If you’ve got something worth saying, or something worth selling, you really only need two things; to be noticed and be remembered.

If you get told otherwise - and you will - be wary.

Raise the bar a little, and you’ll be able to turn ‘noticed’ into ‘desired’, and ‘remembered’ into ‘indelible’. And that’s where I come in - helping brands find their way and their voice.

I’ve helped develop products, drive revenue, raise awareness, generate leads, change behaviour, and put out fires.

I know how to read the room, and just the right buttons to push.

If you’re a ‘Succession’ fan, then let’s just say I know a thing or two, about a thing or two.  

But Mum, bless her, always said that self-recommendation is no recommendation at all. “You’re getting tickets on yourself,” was how she’d gently but firmly put it.

So enough about me. Time to let the mahi speak.

Then you can make your own mind up.